建築學報 Journal of Architecture |
202212 (122期)期所有篇 |
- AIoT影像感測器在建築物安全應用與效益研究 Application and Benefit Evaluation of AIoT Image Sensing for Building Safety Monitoring
- 日治時期與戰後國家權力介入下的臺灣「巖」──以嘉義半天巖、高雄翠屏巖與高雄崗山巖為例 Giam Temples under the State Power in Taiwan During Japanese Rule and after World War II: Case Studies of Puanthinn-Giam in Chiayi, Tshuiping-Giam in Kaohsiung and Kang Suann-Giam in Kaohsiung
- 西螺地區廟宇建築活動的協贊圈──以1930年代西螺廣福宮改建為中心 The Contributed Sphere of Temple Building Activities in Xiluo Region, Taiwan: Focusing on the Rebuilding of the Guangfu Mazu Temple, 1930s
- 機器人建造:發展基於離散設計下機械手臂金屬彎折應用於自體站立牆體工法 Robot Construction: The Development of Metal Bending Robotic Arm Based on Discrete Design Apply to Self-Standing Wall Construction
- 基於空間句法和景觀格局的城市綠地碎片化與城市化分析 Analysis of Urban Green Space Fragmentation and Urbanization Based on Space Syntax and Landscape Pattern
- 自然與都市景觀對創造思考、注意力恢復力及生理反應的影響 Influences of Natural and Urban Landscapes on Creative Thinking, Attention Restoration and Physiological Responses