觀光休閒學報 Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies |
201804 (24:1期)期所有篇 |
- 應用日誌法探究餐飲業顧客無禮行為對服務人員情緒耗竭之影響:跨層次分析 A Diary Study of the Impact of Customer Incivility on Catering Service Providers’ Emotional Exhaustion: A Cross-Level Analysis
- 竹籬笆裡的飯菜香──眷村菜初探 Delicious Food inside Bamboo Fences: A Preliminary Study of the Military Dependents’ Village Food
- 最低消費限制與風險折扣應用對消費者購買決策之影響──以餐飲業為例 The Impact of Minimum Purchase Requirement and Risky Discount on Consumer Purchase Decisions
- 國內旅遊需求、旅館經營和經濟發展之關係探討 The Relationship between Internal Tourism Demand, Hotel Performance, and Economic Development: A Case Study of Taiwan