觀光休閒學報 Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies |
200808 (14:2期)期所有篇 |
- 風浪板運動者之參與動機、休閒阻礙對遊憩體驗、滿意度與未來參與意願的影響 The Effects of Windsurfers’ Participating Motivation and Leisure Constraints on Recreational Experiences, Satisfaction, and Future Participating Intentions
- 旅遊部落格之目的地行銷意涵——以淡水為例 The Implications of Travel Blogs for Destination Marketing: An Example of Tanshui
- 從哲學實踐者觀點反思臺灣餐旅課程之內涵——以海外參訪實習為例 Reflection of Content of Hospitality Curriculum in Taiwan from Perspectives of Philosophic Practitioner: A Study of Overseas Fieldtrip
- 旅遊紀念品購買行為的解析與探索——記憶在地特色vs旅遊伴手禮 Specialty Souvenirs or Traveller’s Trinkets? An Analysis and Investigation of Souvenir Purchasing Behaviors