農漁業技術移轉制度的「轉譯」難題: 以養蚵人工附苗技術為例 Challenges in ''Translation'' for Technology Transfer: Artificial Oyster Propagation in Taiwan
安寧團隊的預期工作: 科學知識、情感與照護 "Anticipatory Palliative Care Work: Scientific Knowledge, Affective Force, and Care Practice"
臺灣民粹主義者與反菁英情緒: 世界價值觀調查臺灣資料的分析 Populism and Anti-Elite Sentiments in Taiwan: An Analysis of the World Values Survey Data
書評:《拚教養:全球化、親職焦慮與不平等童年》。藍佩嘉著, 2019。臺北市:春山出版。 "Book Review. Struggling to Raise Children: Globalization, Parental Anxieties and Unequal Childhoods. By Pei-Chia Lan. Taipei: Spring Hill Publishing"