醫療品質 Healthcare Quality |
202306 (11:2期)期所有篇 |
- 建構實證醫學為基準之醫院明智就醫運動──以外科手術為例 Evidence-Based Medicine as the Benchmark for the Choosing Wisely Campaign—Examples from the Field of Surgery
- 提升精神護家團隊成員對火災認知及技能之專案 A Project to Improve the Fire Awareness and Skills of the Team Members in Psychiatric Nursing Home
- 以醫師需求為中心的健康促進方案執行成果 The Implementation Process and Outcome of the Health Promotion Program Centered on the Needs of Physicians
- 以品管圈手法提升全膝關節置換術後膝屈曲角度達成率 Use of the Quality Control Circle to Increase the Percentage of Patients Reaching 90 Degrees in Knee Flexion after Total Knee Joint Replacement
- 心臟內科病房老年病人居家用藥安全改善專案 Medication Safety Improvement Project for Home-Based Elderly Patients in the Cardiology Ward