產品使用性研究之應用--以理光牌313R型投影機為例 An Applied Study of Product Usability:Using Ricoh 313R Overhead Projector for Example
建築平面設計泡泡圖配置方法之探討 A Studyof the Architectural Bubbie Diagrams Allocation
整合消費者觀點之綠色產品包裝設計評量要項之探討 A Study of Evalution Factors of the Green Product Package Based on Integrating the Consumer's Viewpoint
傳統工藝、綠色設計、適切設計與設計教育 Traditional Handicraft, Green Design,Appropriate Design, and Design Education
都市幼稚園火災避難時間之研究--以臺中市私立幼稚園為例 Escaping Time on Fire of Kindergarten:Private Kindergarten in Taichung City as Case Study
文字、書體與書法的關係生成與相互影響(1)--至漢代為止的脈絡與特徵解讀 The Transition and The Interact Relation of Written-Word、Scrips and Calligraphy:Analysis of Process and Characteristics till Han Dynasty
從遊憩衝擊觀點探討登山步道之規劃設計--以玉山國家公園塔塔加步道為例 Studies on Trail Design from the Viewoint of Recreation Impacts:A Case Study Tataka Trail, Yushan National Park