東吳哲學學報 Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies |
200408 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 廬山慧遠「法性論」佚文之考證 A Note on Paragraphs of Hui-Yuan’s“FaXingLun”
- 儒家禮樂思想中的身體思維——從「禮記」論起 The Body Thought in Li Chi─ the Inquires on Confucian Li Yueh
- 從朱熹鬼神觀談三教辨正問題的儒學理論建構 The Construction of Chu-Hsi’sConfucianTheorythrough the Debate with the Buddhism and theDaoism in the Issue of the Existence ofthe Ghost and the Deity Creatures
- 從智顗對「法華經」神變之詮釋論天臺哲學之成立 ADiscourseaboutZhiyi’sCreation of TiantaiPhilosophy Based on His Interpretation of Miraclesfrom the Lotus Sutra
- 存有與自由問題——海德格對康德自由觀的探討與批判 Being and Freedom──Heidegger’sCommentsonandCritiquesofKant’sViewofFreedom