台灣原住民族研究 Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies |
202312 (16:2期)期所有篇 |
- 辯護人協助及原住民族被告溝通與理解障礙的排除──以最高法院近年相關裁判觀察為中心── Assistance of Defense Counsel and the Elimination of Communication and Understanding Barriers with Indigenous Defendants: A Focus on Recent Relevant Judgments from the Supreme Court of Taiwan
- 南迴地區原住民族家長對幼兒金錢教養態度之調查研究 Research on the Parenting Attitudes of Indigenous Parents towards Children’s Money in the Southern Region of Taitung
- 初擬語言田野調查逐字稿標記原則:以噶瑪蘭語自然對話語料為例 Preliminary Draft: The Principles of Transcribing Language Data Field Recordings with kebalan Vernacular Conversation as an Example