台灣原住民族研究 Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies |
202212 (15:2期)期所有篇 |
- 資訊社會中原住民族知識傳播:以蘭嶼達悟族青年為初探網絡 A Preliminary Study of Indigenous Knowledge Communication in the Information Society: A Case Study of Tao Young People in the Orchid Island/Lanyu
- 論總統的特赦權行使對釋字第803號解釋產生之後續影響 The Effects Caused by the Presidential Amnesty Based on Constitutional Interpretation No. 803
- 我國原住民就業政策之探討:以民國109年原住民就業狀況調查為基礎 Discussing Employment Policy of Indigenous People in Taiwan: Based on the Survey of Indigenous Employment status in 2020
- 記一次鬆散而又團結的原住民族/國對話 On A Conversation about Indigenous Imagination of A Loose-but-Efficient Solidarity Form of State