台灣原住民族研究 Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies |
201806 (11:1期)期所有篇 |
- 原住民族人口老化空間分布與動力分析 The Spatial Distribution and Dynamic Analysis of Ageing of Indigenous Population in Taiwan
- 美國《印地安自決法》與部落管控學校對臺灣原住民族實驗教育的啟示 The Indian Self-Determination Act and Tribally Controlled Schools in the United States and Implications for Indigenous Experimental Education in Taiwan
- 清寒原住民學生助學金之政策評估──基於貧窮文化論與社會流動論視角 Analysis of the Policy of Scholarship for Low-Income Indigenous Students —from the Perspectives of Cultural Poverty Theory and the Social Mobility Theory