頭顱、除喪和「穢」--南王卑南族「大獵祭」在當代「獵人頭」研究中的想像與論述 Headhunting, Mourning, and Defilement:The Imagination and Reconstruction of Mangayau Ritual [Puyuma, Taiwan] in the Contemporary Study of Headhunting
原住民部落觀光發展的困境與策略--宜蘭縣南澳鄉金洋及武塔部落個案研究 The Plight and Strategy of Indigenous Community Tourism Development: A Case Study of King Young and Utaes Communities
西拉雅族群認同的重新建構 Reconstructing the Ethnic Identity of the Siraya Plains Indigenous People
加禮宛事件暨加禮宛意識之型塑 The Galiauwan Event and the Formation of Galiauwan Consciousness
從歷史看撒奇萊雅族的民族關係 A Historic Inquiry into the Ethnic Relations of the Sakiazya People