梅蒂斯族與亞伯達土地權法案簡介與探討 A Brief Discussion on Métis and Alberta Métis Settlements Act
加拿大法制中的原住民族土地權格 Aboriginal Title in the Canadian Legal System
加拿大第一民族土地爭議解決機制之探討 Mechanism for Resolving Indigenous Territorial Disputes in Canada
加拿大克里族土地自治協議之簡介與探討 Cree Nation Land and Self-government Agreement: Introductions and Discussions
民族自治、傳統領域與自然資源管理--以加拿大育空領地第一民族之共管機制為例 Self-Government, Traditional Territory and Natural Resource Management:A Study of the Co-management in Yukon First Nations