企業家得獎對公司融資決策之影響:以臺灣安永企業家獎為例 The Impact of Entrepreneur Awards on the Company’s Financing Decisions: The Evidence of EY Entrepreneur of the Year Taiwan Winners
海外職涯新挑戰-文化智商對職涯投入影響之研究 The New Challenge of Overseas Career - The Study of the Influence of Cultural Intelligence on Career Engagement
工作重塑對工作敬業與工作績效影響之研究-尋求回饋行為的中介調節效果 The Impact of Job Crafting on Work Engagement and Job Performance: The Moderated Mediation of Feedback Seeking Behavior
工作價值觀調節員工之工作壓力、職業倦怠與服務品質之相關研究-以國際觀光旅館為例 Work Values as a Moderator of Employees’ Job Stress, Job Burnout and Service Quality in International Tourist Hotels
行政法人改制過程組織認同重要性之研究 Research on the Importance of Organizational Identification of the Transformation Process of NTPBs