企業管理學報 Journal of Business Administration |
201206 (93期)期所有篇 |
- 花盆省水設計之研究 The Study of Water-Conserving Designs of Pots
- 次貸風暴前後外匯匯率風險值之比較分析——以美元兌英鎊、歐元、日圓與新臺幣為例 A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Exchange Rate on Value at Risk under Sub-Prime: Example of USD against GBP, EUR, JPY and NTD
- 有線電視產業水平與垂直整合、市場結構與經營效率 Horizontal and Vertical Integration, Market Structure and the Efficiency of Taiwan's Cable Television Industry
- 國際觀光旅館員工知覺壓力與工作角色表現之相關研究——以組織支持為干擾變項 A Study of Perceived Job Stress and Work Role Performance of International Tourist Hotel Employees-Organizational Support as a Moderator