東亞論壇 East-Asia Review |
201306 (480期)期所有篇 |
- 文化因素對金融發展影響的實證研究——以中國1978-2010年的經驗為例 Empirical Study on Cultural Impact to Financial Development: Experience of China (1978-2010)
- 物料運輸成本的聯合——訂貨和生產批量模型研究 A Study on the joint materials ordering and manufacturing lot sizes model considering the transportation cost of materials
- 兩岸關係新局之政治經濟分析 New Frontier of Cross-Strait Political Economy under Xi-Li Administration
- 台灣觀光飯店之策略標竿分析 Strategic benchmarking for tourist hotels in Taiwan
- 全球化時代臺灣通識教育的因應策略 Coping Strategies for Taiwan’s General Education in the Wake of Globalization
- 電腦遊戲教學對國小ADHD學童專注力影響之研究 The Computer Game Teaching Strategy to the Concentration of the ADHD Student Study