論日本「北方領土」問題的爭議與展望 The Disputes and Perspectives of the Kuril Islands Issue
主管領導行為與專業技術對研發團隊績效之影響研究--以某研發中心為例 Research on the Influences of Manager's Leadership and Technical Knowledge on the R&D Team Performance:A Case of R&D Center
臺灣企業會計師兼營非審計服務與查核意見之關聯性研究:以聯立迴歸實證分析 The Relationship between Non-audit Service Provision and Auditors' Opinions in Taiwanese Firms:An Application of Simultaneous Equations
以情緒勞動為中介變項探討自我警覺與員工正面情感傳遞之關係 The mediation effect of emotional labor on the relationship between self-monitoring and employee positive affective delivery