國立政治大學歷史學報 The Journal of History |
201911 (52期)期所有篇 |
- 「君臣大義」與東、西魏政權的建立和穩固 On “The Great Duty between the Monarch and the Subject”, and the Establishment and Stabilization of East and West Wei Political Powers
- 《乾坤正氣集》與清中葉的纂修書籍風潮 The Collection of Righteousness (Qiankun Zhengqi Ji) and the Movement of Books Editing in the Mid-Qing Period
- 實踐信仰生活:1931年的中國聖教年曆 Practice of Religious Life: The Chinese Catholic Liturgical Calendar for 1931
- 賀伯特的《亨利八世史》(1649)與近代早期英格蘭君主至尊權 Herbert of Cherbury's The Life and Raigne of King Henry VIII (1649) and the Royal Supremacy in Early Modern England