通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
202306 (31期)期所有篇 |
- 高中育才與大學選才:以核心素養作為連結 Talent Cultivation and Selection From High Schools to Colleges: Core Competencies as the Link
- 探索與重塑:大一年研究之文獻計量分析 Exploring and Reframing: A Bibliometric Analysis of First-Year Experience Studies in Taiwan
- 高等教育傳播領域實施素養導向新生轉銜課程之行動研究 Action Study on the Implementation of a Literacy-Oriented Freshman Bridging Course on Communication in Higher Education
- 技職教育視角下探討設計基礎素養的培育 Exploring the Cultivation of Basic Design Literacy From the Perspective of Technological and Vocational Education
- 素養導向的大學英文課:以議題融入概念為本的設計 Transforming College Reading Class Toward Competency Development: Findings From an Issue Integration Course Designed With an UbD Framework
- 大學國文問題導向設計以提升公民意識與思辨能力 General Education of Chinese literature at University through Problem-based Learning to Increase Students' Consciousness of Citizenship and Ability to Critical Thinking
- 圖式理論後設認知對高教中文閱讀能力提升之效益 Effectiveness of Metacognition of Schema Theory on the Improvement of College Students' Chinese Reading Ability
- 匠心讀劇――寫作與表達課程的實踐 Reading scripts- the practice of Chinese Writing and Expression
- 以設計思考為例論素養評量的挑戰與解方:大學素養教育實踐者的田野觀察與統整 Challenges and Solutions Regarding Assessing Key Competencies: An University Educator’s Field Observation and Synthesis of Design Thinking Teaching Practices