通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
201306 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 以科學--技術--社會(STS)課程培養大學生公民核心能力--通識教育的教學實踐與反思 Science-Technology-Society (STS) Education and College Students' Citizenship: A Teaching Practice and Reflection in the General Education
- 世界咖啡館研究構初探--教學場域之實證性分析 A Framework for 'The World Café': An Empiric Study of Teaching Space
- 通識教育核心課程學生學習成效初探--以中央大學核心課程為例 Exploring Student's Learning Effectiveness on Core Curriculum of General Education: A Case Study of National Central University
- 探討終身學習護照與通識教育--以明人張岱為例 The Discussion of Whole Person Development and General Education: A Case Study of the Ming-Qing Artist Zhang-Dai
- 「校園古琴音樂會」作為通識教育輔助課程的設計及其實施成效 Campus Guqin Performance' as a Supplementary Course in General Education-Its Design and Impact
- 書評:《社會科學的通識教育》--書評介 Book Review: General Education in the Social Sciences: Centennial Reflections on the College of the University of Chicago