厦门大学法律评论 Xiamen University Law Review |
202311 (36期)期所有篇 |
- 公平競爭審查制度若干問題 Some Issues of the Fair Competition Review System
- 第三方支付平臺縱向一體化的反壟斷規制 Anti-Monopoly Regulation for Vertical Integration of Third-Party Payment Platforms
- 論數字平臺軸輻型算法共謀的反壟斷法規制 On the Antitrust Regulation of Spoke-based Algorithmic Conspiracies Under Platform Domination
- 全球反壟斷監管科技發展現狀與趨勢 The Status Quo and Prospects of Science and Technology Development in Relation to Global Antitrust Regulation
- 論反壟斷訴訟中的專家證人 On Expert Witnesses in Antitrust Litigation
- 歐美大型科技公司數據隱私反壟斷規制爭議分析與啓示 An Analysis of Data Privacy Antitrust Regulation Disputes of Big Technology Companies in Europe and the United States and its Enlightenments
- 超級平臺利用數據實施自我優待行爲的規制研究 Research on the Regulation of Super Platform Using Data to Implement Self-preferential Behavior
- 屏蔽視頻廣告行爲正當性判定的理路反思 Reflections on the Judgment of the Legitimacy of Blocking Video Ads