醫護科技期刊 Relation between Self-Perceptions of Health Status and Self-Care Behaviors of Older Adults |
201112 (13:4期)期所有篇 |
- 臺中地區氣喘兒與一般幼兒於生活型態之比較 Comparative Lifestyles: Children With and Without Asthmain Taichung, Taiwan
- 保母人員工作壓力與肌肉骨骼不適情形之研究 A Study of Occupational Stress and MusculoskeletalDiscomfort in Child Caregivers
- 社區型中老年人健走運動介入對生活品質影響之研究 The Quality of Life Effects of a CommunityExercise-Walking Intervention in the Middle-Agedand Elderly
- 術前訪視衛教對全膝關節置換術病人焦慮及生理指標之影響 Easing Anxiety and Physiological Indicators in PatientsUndergoing Total Knee Replacement: The Effectiveness ofPreoperative Visits
- 癌症針劑細胞毒性化學藥物外滲的預防與監測 Prevention and Monitoring of Extravasation from theIntravenous Infusion of Cytotoxic Agents inCancer Therapy