學校衛生 Chinese Journal of School Health |
201412 (65期)期所有篇 |
- 國中健康與體育學習領域自尊教學指標之建構與國中教師和學者看法比較 Building Teaching Indicators for Self-Esteem Instruction In Health and Physical Education Learning Area and Comparing Opinions of the School Teachers and Scholars
- 大學生背景變項、人格特質與其智慧型手機使用情況之相關研究 A Study on the Relationship among University Students' Demographics, Personality Traits and Smartphone Usage
- 體重控制計畫效果研究--網路生理訊號量測監控之應用 Research on 'Effects of Network Physiological Signals on Weight Control' with a Particular University as an Example
- 基隆市青少年發展性資產與危害健康行為相關研究 A Study on the Development Assets and Health-Risk Behaviors among the Adolescents in Keelung City
- 教師運動行為及其相關因素之研究--以桃園縣國中教師為例 Study of Exercise Behavior and Its Related Factors-The Case of Public Junior High School Teacher in Taoyuan