學校衛生 Chinese Journal of School Health |
201312 (63期)期所有篇 |
- 高中職戒菸教育介入成效評估之研究──以新北市、臺北市八所高中職學生為例 The effects of the smoking cessation program among the students of the senior high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City
- 臺北市國中學生菸害預防教育介入成效研究 Study on the effects of a smoking prevention program among the junior high school students in Taipei City
- 父子自我概念落差與主觀幸福感之研究 The self-concept discrepancy and subjective well-being of fathers and their adolescent boys
- 青少年自主體重管理計畫效果研究──以澳門肥胖的中學生為例 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the adolescent self-monitoring weight management program
- 我國學校午餐發展史紀要 A brief history of the development of school lunch programs in Taiwan
- 我國學幼童近視問題與對策 The myopia problems and solutions for Taiwan school children