幼童哮吼合併退行性行為之急診護理經驗 The nursing experience of a toddler with croup and withdrawal behavior in an emergency room
運用減重策略協助一位長期服用抗精神病劑個案控制體重之護理經驗 Nursing experience about using weight reduction strategy to control body weight for a patient taking long-term anti-psychotic drugs
照顧一位皮傑氏症候群患者併發腸套疊的護理經驗 Nursing Experience Caring for a Patient Suffering From Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome With Intussusception
照顧一位肺挫傷合併血氣胸病人之護理經驗 Nursing care with pulmonary contusion and hemopneumothorax Nursing care experience of a pulmonary contusion with hemopneumothorax case
一位智能障礙個案接受腹膜透析治療之照護經驗 The nursing experience for a mental retardation patient with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis