法学家 Jurists Review |
201702 (2017:1期)期所有篇 |
- 指標控制與依法行政:雙重治理模式的實證研究 Administration According to Law and Governance by Index: Empirical Research about the Double Model of Governance of Local Government in China
- “互聯網+”的規制結構以--“網約車”規制為例 The Regulatory Structure of 'Internet Plus': A Case Study on 'App-Based Ride and Taxi Services'
- 民事訴權合同研究--兼論我國司法裁判經驗對法學理論發展的影響 Research on the Contract of Civil Right of Action: The Influences of Judicial Experience on the Development of Legal Theory
- 行政犯違法性判斷的從屬性和獨立性研究 The Dependence and Independence of the Unlawfulness Judgement in Administrative Crime
- 證明責任“規範說”理論重述 Norm Theory' on the Burden of Proof: A Restatement
- 條件說的厘清與辯駁 Analysis on the Conditions Theory
- 《大憲章》成因考 Analysis on the Contributing Causes of Magna Carta
- 程序性辯護的理論反思 Theoretical Reflection on the Procedural Defense
- 論商品房預售合同的效力 On the Effectiveness of Advance Sale Contract for Commercial Houses
- 虛假陳述侵權責任之侵權行為認定 The Identification of Misrepresentation in Tort Liability
- 論夫妻共同債務“時間”推定規則 On the 'Time' Presumption Rule of Joint Debt of Husband and Wife: Analysis of Article 24 of the 'Marriage Law Interpretation II'
- 《合同法》第54條第1款第2項(顯失公平制度)評注 A Commentary on Art. 54 1 2 of the Contract Law: The Doctrine of Unconscionability