法学家 Jurists Review |
201608 (2016:4期)期所有篇 |
- 以審判為中心:當代中國刑事司法改革的基點 The Research on Trial-centered Model
- 審判中心、庭審實質化與刑事司法改革--基於庭審實錄和裁判文書的實證研究 Trial-centeredness, Substantiation of Court Hearing and the Reform of Criminal Justice System: An Empirical Research on Court Records and Judgment Documents in China
- “三權分置”論的法律邏輯、政策闡釋及制度替代 Legal Logic, Policy Explanation and System Replacement of the 'The Three Rights Separation' Theory
- 論農用地“三權分置”中經營權的法律性質 On the Legal Nature of Managerial Right in the Separation of Agricultural Land Three Rights
- 我國人民陪審員制度運行實證研究--以中部某縣級市為分析樣本 An Empirical Analysis on Operation of the People's Assessor System: Taking A County-level City in Central China as the Sample
- 廣告法律規制的市場效應及其策略檢討--來自中國醫藥行業的經驗證據 The Market Effects and Strategy Review of Advertising Legal Regulation: From Empirical Evidence of China Pharmaceuticals Industry
- 戊戌時期康有為法政思想的嬗變--從《變法自強宜仿泰西設議院折》的著作權爭議切入 Evolution of Kang Youwei's Viewpoints of Law and Politics during the Reform Movement of 1898: From the Perspective of the Copyright Disputes of 'Reform and Self-strengthening Should Imitate West Country to Set Off House'
- 重新理解年齡區分:以法律手段應對年齡歧視的誤區 The Misunderstanding of Age Discrimination: Why China Should hot Enact Its Age Discrimination Law
- 國稅總局解釋權的證成與運行保障 Justification and Operation Guarantee of Interpretation Power of SAT
- 以不作為參與他人的法益侵害行為的性質--兼及不作為的正犯與幫助犯的區分 The Nature of Participating in Others' Law Interest Infringement
- “英國18名殘疾兒童訴科比鎮委員會”環境侵權案評析 Analysis on the Environmental Tort Case of 18 Children with birth Defects v. Corby District Council in England
- 《物權法》第245條評注 Comments on Art 245 of the Property Law of People's Republic of China