亞洲家庭暴力與性侵害期刊 Asian Journal of Domestic Violence and Sexual Offense |
201712 (13:2期)期所有篇 |
- 性侵害加人社區處遇後評估結案之研究 The research of the estimating for concluding a case after community-based treatment for sexual offenders
- 新移民親密暴力發生與停止之對偶敘說探究 A Dyadic Narrative Study on the Start–Stop of aNew-Inhabitant Couple’s Intimate Partner Violence
- 性侵害加人寫給被的道歉信之研究 The Study for the Apology Letters from the Sexual Offenders to the Victims
- 親戚麥計較?台中市四等內家庭暴力樣態 Changing Kinship –Analyzing Non-IPV Domestic Violencein Taichung City