犯罪學期刊 Journal of Criminology |
202006 (22:1期)期所有篇 |
- 大台北地區民眾對於住宅竊盜恐懼感之成因探究 The influences on citizens' perceived fear of burglary in metropolitan Taipei
- 建構公務員貪腐犯罪預防模式與具體實踐研析 Constructing the Prevention Model of Civil Servants' Corruption and Specific Practice
- 毒品犯罪熱點區位GIS分析──以新北市為例 Analysis of Hot Spots of Drug Crime in New Taipei City: A Case Study of GIS
- 聚眾活動違序態樣與警察蒐證勤務規劃之研究 A Study on Mass Movement Disorder Types and Evidence Collecting An example of Zhong Zheng First Precinct