文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
202007 (12:3期)期所有篇 |
- 從政策哲學檢視我國新冠病毒的防疫 Invited Essay―A Review of Taiwan’s Protection Against COVID-19 from the Perspective of Policy Philosophies
- 成立客家文化區域合作組織之初探 An Exploration of Establishing Regional Hakka Cultural Cooperation Organization
- 公務人員「單位離職傾向」之影響因素分析 Factors of Influencing Civil Servants’Job Turnover Intention
- 我國廉政機構運作現況與檢討:全觀型治理觀點 Anti-corruption Institutions in Taiwan: A Holistic Governance Perspective
- 書評--衡量重要之事:谷歌、波諾和蓋茲基金會如何以OKR震撼世界 Book Review―Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs