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公務人員「單位離職傾向」之影響因素分析   全文下載 全文下載
Factors of Influencing Civil Servants’Job Turnover Intention
作者 游子正董祥開
Public servants are often regarded as people with better job security than those in the private sector and are considered to have higher human mobility stability and lower turnover intention than private-sector employees. However, a low turnover intention does not mean that public servants have a high degree of“satisfaction”with or“commitment”to their job. On the contrary, the public sector is affected by the unique institutional security and job scarcity, compared with private-sector, and the definition of turnover intention of public servants is more detailed. It is based on the“unit turnover intention”of internal human mobility rather than the“department turnover intention”of giving up the status of public servants. Given that the unit turnover intention of public servants is higher than department turnover intention, this study attempts to use quantitative research methods to explore the factors related to“personal motivation and attitude,”“inter-role conflict between individual and organization”and“organizational management and institution”to determine how strongly they influence the unit turnover intention of public servants and then to understand the cause and nature of the turnover intention of public servants.
This study uses a secondary data analytical method for analysis. The source of the data is the“Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey, TGBS V.”A total of 895 valid questionnaires were acquired. After descriptive statistics and ordinal logistic regression analysis, it was found that public service motivation and job burnout significantly increase the unit turnover intention of public servants, while job satisfaction and job fairness significantly contribute to reducing the unit turnover intention of public servants. However, work-family conflict, supervisory leadership effectiveness, and fairness of performance appraisal have no significant effect on the unit turnover intention of public servants. Based on the results of analysis, this study also gave a theory discussion and made some suggestions on managerial implication.
起訖頁 45-86
關鍵詞 離職傾向個人動機與態度角色間衝突組織管理與制度turnover intentionpersonal motivation and attitudeinter-role conflictorganizational management and institution
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202007 (12:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 成立客家文化區域合作組織之初探
該期刊-下一篇 我國廉政機構運作現況與檢討:全觀型治理觀點




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