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我國廉政機構運作現況與檢討:全觀型治理觀點   全文下載 全文下載
Anti-corruption Institutions in Taiwan: A Holistic Governance Perspective
作者 陳力葦
Beginning in 1956 the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan was charged with monitoring the security of government organizations and corruption investigation. In 1968, the Executive Yuan ordered the Investigation Bureau to take charge of public service ethics, including corruption, dereliction, unsavory behaviors and other acts of government employees that would tarnish the reputation of their organizations. The Statute of Civil Service Ethics was enacted in 1992 and public service ethics units were established in various government agencies to monitor the integrity of the civil service system. The Agency Against Corruption (AAC), after decades of debates, was finally established under the Ministry of Justice in 2011.
These anti-corruption institutions, in cooperation with prosecutors and police units, have separate but intervening jurisdictions and traditions in fighting corruption. The silo mentality and the practices seen in the fragmented governance among these anti-corruption institutions cause confusion and competition in carrying out their duty. This research, supported by in-depth interviews and detailed literature analysis, advocates that holistic governance theory should be applied to foster a governing network based on an AAC centered, information sharing platform to better fight corruption.
起訖頁 87-129
關鍵詞 廉政機構全觀型治理碎裂化治理廉能政府廉政署anti-corruption institutionholistic governancefragmented governanceclean governmentAgency Against Corruption
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202007 (12:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務人員「單位離職傾向」之影響因素分析
該期刊-下一篇 書評--衡量重要之事:谷歌、波諾和蓋茲基金會如何以OKR震撼世界




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