是誰告訴人民政府表現如何?政府績效、公共資訊、與外電新聞的守門人之研究 Who Tells People How a Government Is Doing? -- Government Performance, Public Information and Imported News“Gate Keepers”
員額評鑑對政府人事管理與人力運用影響之研究 Personnel Headcounts Evaluation: Its Influences on Civil Service Management and Deployment
國家考試多元評量之實踐:以警察特考情境測驗為例 The Practice of Multiple Assessments for National Examination: The Case of the Situational Test of Police Examination
公務人員休假制度之法理與實務探討:以勞工特別休假為對照 Jurisprudence & Legal Practice on Civil Servants’Vacation System: Compared with Labors’Special Vacation