傳播文化與政治(簡體版) https://lawdata.com.tw/tw/journal_list.aspx?no=1548 |
202112 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 尋找戒嚴時期言論獲罪者的身影:政府檔案初探研究 Exploring the Cases of "Speech Crime" under Authoritarian Rule in Taiwan, 1949-1992: A study of government archives
- 台灣公民募資的消費實踐(2012-2019年) Consumption Practices of Taiwan Civic Crowdfunding 2012-2019
- 信任媒體就信任政治?2003~2018趨勢分析 Media Credibility and Political Trust: A longitudinal Study
- 檔案與再檔案之間 A Look at the Art of Archiving and Re-Archiving
- 新聞自由還是專業倫理?中天新聞的書面鑑定與親身體驗 Is this a Matter of Press Freedom or Journalism Ethics? How did I evaluate CTi News and how CTi News attacked me
- 評析《俄羅斯戰略傳播:公共關係與廣告》 The review of Strategic Communications in Russia-Public Relations and Advertising