現代臺灣佛教與印順法師──五大本山與人間佛教的背景一探 Contemporary Taiwanese Buddhism and Venerable Yin Shun: Introducing the Five Great Mountain Monasteries and the Background of Humanistic Buddhism Thought
梵、藏、漢傳本《維摩詰經.佛國品》偈頌之比較 Comparison of the Verses in the Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese Versions of the First Chapter of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa
《滿文大藏經.維摩經》之繙譯考察及繙譯特色──以〈文殊師利問疾品〉、〈不思議品〉為中心 A Study of the Translation of the Manchu Version of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Centered on Chapters 5 and 6, “Mañjuśrī's Condolence Visit” and “The Inconceivable Liberation”