中正台灣文學與文化研究 Chung Cheng Journal of Taiwan Literature and Cultural Studies |
202212 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 從〈蛇屋〉看中華民國民族主義論述 Discussion on Chinese Nationalism from “Snake House”
- 慢死與快活:鄭俊清小說的工傷身體 Slow Death and Liveliness: Industrial Injured Bodies in Cheng Chun-Ching’s Novels
- 從清宮到台灣便利商店:「滿漢全席」符號詮解之變化 From Qing's Palace to Taiwan’s Convenience Stores: The Variations of Symbol Interpretation on “Manchu-Han Imperial Feast”
- 「風車詩社」的座標──論其於日治時期的非主流存在 The Position of Le Moulin Poetic Society: To Discuss with Alternative Existence in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1926-1945)