201106 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 明清之際,遺民說經:賀貽孫《詩經觸義》評析 Between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, how does interpret the Classics by loyalist:The Critique of Heh Yie Suen’s (賀貽孫) “ Solution of Shi Jiang ” 《詩經觸義》
- 從佛經看漢語雙音化的過渡現象 The Transition Process of Bisyllabification in the Chinese Language as Attested in Buddhist Texts
- 被遺忘的漢學者:近代日本崎門朱子學者內田周平學思探析 The Forgotten Sinologist: Modern Japanese Scholar of Kimon School Syuhei Uchida and His Thought
- 杜詩「紅鮮終日有」、「紅鮮任霞散」之「紅鮮」新釋 A New View of ‘Hong Xian’(raw Fresh) in the verses of “Hong Xian Zhong Ri You(紅鮮終日有)” and “Hong Xian Ren Ri San(紅鮮任霞散)”of Du Fu
- 從元代詩法著作論李商隱詩在元代的接受情形 The Reception of Li Shangyin’s Poetry in Ming Dynasty: From the Aspect of Yuan Poetry Theories
- 英雄遺恨與歷史哀歌:「元曲悲劇」初探與《西蜀夢》 Hero, History and Songs of Sorrows: Yuan Tragedy and The Dream of Western Shu
- 日本內閣文庫所藏《熊龍峰四種小說》考論 On Xiong Longfeng’s Four Novels (熊龍峯四種小説) in the Cabinet Book Collection of Japan
- 李昂與卡夫卡存在主義小說比較論 On the Kafkaesque Existentialist Novellas of Li Ang’s Early Writings
- 打一用物:中國古典小說中物體形象的象徵與非象徵作用 Finding the Concrete Object: The Symbolic and Non-symbolic Meanings of Material Imagery in Classical Chinese Fiction
- 餅與匱乏:從節日飲食到英雄傳說的考察 Pancake and Scarcity, from Festival Food to the Legend of Hero
- 當代華北廟宇組織及民間宗教活動:陜北及晉西為例 Temple Communities and Religious Life in Rural North China: the Сase of Shaanbei and Western Shanxi
- 上海二十世紀十至二十年代石印出版業的發展與寶卷文學形式的變遷:出版業與中國俗文學發展的關係初探 The Lithographic Printing and the Development of Baojuan Genre in Shanghai in the 1900-1920s: On the Question of the Interaction of Print Technology and Popular Literature in China (Preliminary Observations)