202109 (92:3期)期所有篇 |
- 涅槃變圖像的發展——從西魏麥積山石窟到初唐敦煌莫高窟 The Development of the Nirvana Transformation Image: From the Western Wei Grotto at Maijishan to the Early Tang Mogao Grotto at Dunhuang
- 宋代士大夫參與地方醫書刊印新探 A New Study of Scholar-officials’ Roles in the Printing of Medical Texts in Song China
- 元、明刊《居家必用》與家庭百科的誕生 Jujia biyong (Necessary Knowledge for Family Use) and the Birth of the Household Encyclopedia in China
- 作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》看醫書的抄輯與作者身分 Compiler, Plagiarist, and Author: Claiming Authorship in Chinese Medical Texts
- 欽差喇嘛楚兒沁藏布蘭木占巴、清代西藏地圖測繪與世界地理知識之傳播 The Imperial Lama Tsultrim Zangpo Rapjampa, the Qing Mapping of Tibet, and Global Circulation of Geographic Knowledge