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Jujia biyong (Necessary Knowledge for Family Use) and the Birth of the Household Encyclopedia in China
作者 李仁淵
Most scholarship discusses Chinese “household encyclopedias” in the late Ming context; however, Jujia biyong, or Necessary Knowledge for Family Use, published in Jianyang during the Yuan, is the earliest extant commercial imprint that classifies textual knowledge for the family. This new genre made “family” a field of knowledge, categorized selected texts and printed them as a commodity. This new genre in the Yuan resulted from two trends that began in the Song. First, more encyclopedia and reference books were printed by commercial publishers because of the increasing number of circulated texts and the growing market for classified textual knowledge. Second, textual knowledge related to family was in demand to educate descendants and maintain family or lineage organization because of the changing social structure and the rise of a new social stratum. Experienced reference book publishers in the Yuan dynasty district of Jianyang, therefore, created an encyclopedia of classified and simplified family knowledge to make these texts easily accessible to zealous readers. During the Ming, in addition to commercial publishers, Jujia biyong was also reprinted by the Directorate of Ceremony at court. The court edition was soon reprinted and widely distributed by commercial publishers, replacing various editions dating from the Yuan, and became the standard edition of this title. This standard edition was wellstructured and provided a Neo-Confucian image of the ideal family. While the “household encyclopedia” genre flourished during the late Ming, Jujia biyong kept being printed, but publishers did not add new materials and kept its Song-Yuan contents intact. Instead of a manual for practical use, Jujia biyong became an authoritative source of family knowledge after the late Ming. The formation and the knowledge structure created by Jujia biyong was inherited by later household encyclopedias. During the late imperial period, the textual knowledge and the family ideal disseminated by these manuals became an important intellectual foundation for family and lineage practices throughout China.
起訖頁 509-560
關鍵詞 居家必用家庭百科書籍史Jujia biyonghousehold encyclopediabook history
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202109 (92:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
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