201603 (87:1期)期所有篇 |
- 唐代士族女兒與家族光榮──從天寶四年〈陳照墓誌〉談起 Aristocratic Daughters and Family Pride in the Tang Dynasty: A Study over the Epitaph of Chen Zhao
- 大德二年(1298)伊利汗國遣使元朝考:法合魯丁•阿合馬•惕必的出使及其背景 Background and Aftermath of Fakhr al-Dīn Ṭībī’s Voyage: A Resurvey of the Interaction between the Ilkhanate and the Yuan around 1298 AD
- 族譜中的明代軍戶:戶、籍與家族 Military Households in Genealogies: Households, Household Registration and Lineage Formation during the Ming Dynasty
- 蘭癡、蘭花會與蘭花賊:清代江浙的蘭蕙鑑賞及其多元發展 Orchid Enthusiasts, Orchid Shows and Orchid Thieves: Orchid Appreciation and Its Diversified Development in Jiangsu and Zhejiang during the Qing Dynasty