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Military Households in Genealogies: Households, Household Registration and Lineage Formation during the Ming Dynasty
作者 于志嘉 (Chih-chia Yue)
The author had in the past wrote articles discussing how military services are fulfilled by collective military households in the Ming dynasty, and the common phenomena that whether descendants from the same family or people outside the family inherited the military service, the original household name registered in the early Ming was maintained in official records. This article, with an in-depth exploration into genealogies and references to existing research on the lijia system, further observes the inheritance of military obligation within the lijia system since the general household registration during the early Ming, and the influence of military status on the formation of lineages throughout the Ming dynasty. Furthermore, this article also analyses the relationships among three types of members within lineages of military households: household members who stayed in the original registered locations, who were distributed to garrisons under military administrations, and who settled down, purchased estates in/around distributed garrisons, and were administered by nearby county or district governments. Hopefully through this detailed and deliberative case study, we can better understand about military households and the operation of military system during the Ming dynasty.
起訖頁 125-175
關鍵詞 明代軍籍里甲制度戶籍制度軍戶家族the Ming dynastymilitary statuslijia systemhousehold registration systemlineages of military households
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201603 (87:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 大德二年(1298)伊利汗國遣使元朝考:法合魯丁•阿合馬•惕必的出使及其背景
該期刊-下一篇 蘭癡、蘭花會與蘭花賊:清代江浙的蘭蕙鑑賞及其多元發展




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