200303 (74:1期)期所有篇 |
- 先秦古籍文句釋疑 Clarification of Some Textual Problems Appeared in Five Pre-Qin Works
- 郭店楚墓竹簡從「匕」諸字及相關詞語考釋 Verifications of Some Guodian Bamboo Slips Characters which Comprise the Radical of bi, and Some Related-terms
- 唐玄宗〈孝經序〉「舉六家之異同」釋疑──唐宋官修注疏之一側面 Pointing Out the Consents and Dissents Among Six Schools: T'ang Emperor Hsüan-Tsung's ''Preface to Hsiao-Ching'' - An Indicative Aspect of the T'ang and Sung Official Glosses and Commentaries on Confucian Classics
- 元季色目士人的社會網絡:以偰百遼遜青年時代為中心 The Social Networks of Semu Literati in the Late Yuan Period: Xie Boliaoxun as a Young Man
- 明清時代軍戶的家族關係──衛所軍戶與原籍軍戶之間 The Familial Relations between Military-households in the Wei-so (Guards and Battalions) and those in the Native Places during the Ming-Ch'ing Period
- 人口增長、森林砍伐與明代北京生活燃料的轉變 Population Growth, Deforestation and Fuel Substitution in Ming Beijing