試論冷戰局勢下馬來亞共產黨發展的內外困境(1948-1989) Study on the Internal and External Dilemmas of the Development of the Malayan Communist Party During the Cold War Situation (1948-1989)
印馬對抗與砂拉越解放同盟建軍過程 Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation and The Building up of Sarawak Liberation League’s Guerrilla Force
馬來西亞與中國建交時的利益考量 Interests Consideration of Malaysia when Establishing Ties with the PRC
印尼民眾對於中國的觀感:印尼全國民意調查 Public Perceptions of China in Indonesia: The Indonesia National Survey
印尼的本土菁英如何看待與中國的關係 How the Indonesian Elite Regards Relations with China
印尼的本土菁英如何看待當今的印尼華人? What Does Indonesia’s Pribumi Elite Think of Ethnic Chinese Today?