臺灣東南亞學刊 Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies |
200704 (4:1期)期所有篇 |
- 東南亞客家認同的形成與侷限 The Formation and Limitation of Hakka Identity in Southeast Asia
- 客家村莊的精神世界 The Spiritual World of a Hakka Village
- 原生性認同、祖籍地聯繫與跨國網絡的建構:二戰後新馬客家人與潮州人社群之比較研究 Primordial Ties, Homeland Linkages, and the Construction of Transnational Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Hakka and Teochewese Communities in Post-War Singapore and Malaysia
- 越南、印尼與台灣社會價值觀的比較研究 A Comparative Study of the Social Values of Vietnam, Indonesia, and Taiwan
- 當代寮國族群關係發展之探析 Ethnic Relations Development in Contemporary Laos