南傳佛教在東南亞的先驅:泰國墮羅鉢底時期的雕塑 The Sculptures of Dvaravati: The Pioneer of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia
半邊陲之台灣企業在世界體系的鑲嵌 The Embeddedness of Semi-periphery Taiwanese Business in World-System
大湄公河流域爭霸戰:大湄公河經濟合作的推展及其戰略意涵 Mapping Power Struggles in Mekong River Basin: The Expansion and Strategic Meanings Inside the Development Cooperation for Mekong River Basin
東南亞客家族群認同與族群關係:以中央大學馬來西亞客籍僑生為例 Hakka Identity and Ethnic Relations in Southeast Asia: Use Overseas Hakka Students at the National Central University as Examples