東亞觀念史集刊 Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia
201912 (17期)期所有篇
文學概念的二十世紀轉變 Wenxue and New Practices of Writing in Post-1840 China
論「國粹」與「香豔」--民國初年南社與抒情傳統的發現與重構 The “National Essence” and “Fragrant-Erotic Literature”: The Southern Society and Its Discovery and Reconstruction of Lyric Tradition in Early Republican China
「概念流動與區域對話」專題引言 Introduction to “The Flow of Concepts and Regional Dialogue”
試論日、中、印的亞洲主義:以小寺謙吉、孫中山、尼赫魯為中心 "A Comparison of Pan-Asianism in Japan, China and India: Focused on Kodera Kenkichi, Sun Yat-sen and Jawaharlal Nehru"
文化冷戰:美國對香港高校的交流計劃 Cultural Cold War: American Exchange Programs for Hong Kong Higher Education Institutes
旅行與再現:晚清英法美遊記的政教空間與權力展演 "Travels and Representation: Political-Religious Sphere and Performative Power of the British Empire, France and America in Late-Qing Travel Journals"
悲情三昧:牟宗三的生命詩學 Compassionate Wisdom: Mou Tzongsan’s Life Poetics
「新」的光譜:晚清新小說的來龍去脈 The Matrix of the New: Late Qing New Novel and Its Story
八十年代中國的文化討論與封建主義批判:一種「五四」視野下的重審 Chinese Cultural Discussion and Feudalism Critique in the 1980s: A Review in the Perspective of the May Fourth Movement