東亞觀念史集刊 Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia |
201812 (15期)期所有篇 |
- 「自由與人權」專題引言 Introduction to “Liberty and Human Rights”
- 臺灣省級議會「五龍一鳳」等在野民主菁英的人權主張--以人身自由為中心(1946-1972) A Human Rights Claim by the Opposition Democratic Elite “Five Dragons and One Phoenix” in the Taiwan Province Council: Revolving Around Personal Liberty (1946-1972)
- 1950年代《雷震日記》中的「反對黨」與胡適--一個數位人文的分析 The Research of Hu Shih and Opposition Party in Lei Chen’s Diary: An Analysis of Digital Humanities
- 臺灣人權促進會黑名單相關論述之探討:一個數位人文研究的視角 A Discussion on the Related Explanations of the Blacklist in Taiwan Association for Human Rights: A Perspective of Digital Humanities Study
- 高麗國的圖像與文字敘事--以晚明日用類書「諸夷門」為中心 "Image and Textual Narrative of the Kingdom of Goryeo: Centering on the Daily Book of the Late Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yi Men"
- 從傳統史觀到現代文學觀的轉化--民國時期關於古代作家的「評傳」和「事蹟考」寫作 From Traditional Historical Perspective to Modern Literary Perspective: A Study on “Critical Biography” and “Deeds Research” of Classical Literary Writers Written by Writers of the Republic of China
- 文化資本與戰爭遺緒的共構:以臺灣外省籍男作家於《亞洲畫報》短篇小說徵文比賽之獲獎現象及其意義為例 "Examination of the Construction of Cultural Capital in Light of War Legacies: Using Winning Submissions to the Asia Pictorial Short Story Competition of Taiwan’s Mainland-born Male Authors and Their Signifi
cance as Examples"
- 異域文學之光:陳世驤與魯迅及波蘭文學 "The Light of Foreign Literature: Chen Shih-hsiang, Lu Xun and Polish Literature"
- 波蘭文學在中國與作為「摩羅詩人」的密茨凱維奇 Polish Literature in China and Mickiewicz as “Mara Poet”
- 雷震與京都帝國大學恩師森口繁治教授--日本留學體驗之中所形成的初期民主與憲政思想 Lei Chen and His Teacher Shigeji Moriguchi in Kyoto Imperial University: The Forming of Early Democratic and Constitutional Thoughts during His Study in Japan