韓國與台灣轉型正義之比較──以濟州4‧3事件的問題點為中心 A Comparison of Transitional Justice in Korea and Taiwan--Focusing on the Problematic Aspects of the Jeju April 3 rd Inciden
戰後台灣「外省」菁英的台獨主張――從雷震到張忠棟的類型分析 Non-Taiwan-born Chinese' Elite's Post-WWII Advocacy of Taiwan Independence : A Type Analysis from Lei Zhen to Zhang Zhongdong
左獨、左統與民主自治:台灣社會主義者謝雪紅的政治認同與實踐困境 "Left Independence,Left Unification,and Democratic Autonomy: The Political Identity and the Practical Dilemma of SocialistXie Xuehong"