台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202311 (4:6期)期所有篇 |
- 合作學習:文化回應教學的視角 Cooperative Learning: A Culturally Responsive Perspective on Teaching
- 雙語教學融入我國師資培育課程初探 A Preliminary Exploration of the Taiwanese Teacher Education Program with Bilingual Teaching Embedded
- 師資生基於良師圖像之核心自我評價與其敬業貢獻度之關聯性探討 A Study on the Correlation between Preservice Teachers’Core Self-Evaluation Based on Ideal Teacher’s Image and Their Job Engagement
- 論我國當前國小社會領域師資生原民文化素養的提升 On the Improvement of the Indigenous Cultural Competency of Student Teachers in the Social Studies Teacher Education in Taiwan
- 師資生融合自主學習策略規劃戶外教育課程設計之個案研究 A Case Study of Pre-Service Teacher Education Students’Curriculum Design for Integrating Autonomous Learning Strategies to Plan Outdoor Education
- 思索一個更具原住民族文化思維之教師專業素養指引 Explore a More Indigenous Perspective of Teacher Professional Standards
- 前導南區計畫跨校社群運作的系統領導分析 The System Leadership Analysis of the Cross-School Community Operation of the Pioneer Project in the South Region
- 國小實施跨年級教學課程模式與教學策略探究 Curriculum Models and Teaching Strategies of Multi-Grade Instruction in Elementary Schools
- 運用線上帶領五階段於國小國際教育課程教學成效之研究 A Study of the Application of the Five-Stage Model to Primary School“International Education”Course
- 從學習者個別化體驗觀點探討數位學習媒材研製與設計 Design and Development of Digital Learning Materials Based on Learners’Individualized Experiences
- 運用E-T-D-R-A教學模式於大學「教學設計與方法」課程之行動研究 An Action Research on the Application of the E-T-D-R-A Instructional Model in the University’s“Instructional Design and Methods”Course
- 精進學術寫作之整合課程設計 Enhancing Academic Writing with Dialogical Critical Thinking: An Integrated Course Design
- 學前融合教育特殊需求幼兒社會技巧課程內涵架構初探 Exploring the Content and Framework of Social Skills Curriculum for Children with Special Needs in Preschool Inclusive Education
- 緬甸初等教育改革2011-2020 Primary Education Reform in Myanmar 2011-2020
- 高等教育國際移動新趨勢:虛擬交流機制之發展與啟示 Mobility in Higher Education: Developments and Prospects of Virtual Exchange Mechanism
- OECD課程超載報告對臺灣的啟示 The Enlightenment for Taiwan from OECD Report on Curriculum Overload