搭配棒偶文字指讀策略對幼兒識字表現之影響研究 A Review for Studies about Preschoolers’ Character Recognition in Different Forms: The Effects of Co-Puppet Print Referencing Strategy on Joint Book Reading
三至六歲幼兒故事敘說之詞類分析研究 A Study on Three to Six Year-Olds’ Use of Part of Speech in Narrating Story
真實性評量—看見每一個孩子,回應每一個孩子的評量 Authentic Assessment: Assessment that Sees and Responds to Every Individual Child
父母社經地位與學童空間能力關係之中介與調節變項分析:運用電腦化即時回饋評量 The Mediator and Moderator Analysis of the Relationship between Parents' Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Spatial Ability Performance: Using the Computerized Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique
疑似注意力不足過動症學齡前兒童轉銜鑑定之個案研究 A Case Study on the Transition Evaluation of Preschool Children with Suspected Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
台灣多元文化科學教育與地方本位教育之研究探討 A Review for Studies about Multicultural Science Education and Place-Based Education in Taiwan
日本高中實施永續發展教育登山型課題與探究學習之啟示 Implications of Education for Sustainable Development through the “Mountain-Climbing Type” Project and Inquiry-based Learning in Japanese Senior High Schools
大學教師教學創新:行動研究取向的實踐與反思 Teaching Innovation of Lecturers in colleges: Practice and Reflection Based on Action Research