觀光旅遊研究學刊 Journal of Tourism and Travel Research |
202406 (19:1期)期所有篇 |
- 以友善性衡量指標探討休閒型自行車專用道騎乘環境 Using Indicators of Bikeway Friendliness to Explore the Riding Environment of Recreational Bicycle Lanes
- 電子口碑對於民宿消費動機、限制影響之研究:以i世代消費者為例 A study of the impact of electronic word-of-mouth on generation i consumers’motivations and constraints of B & B
- 客艙組員工作價值觀、訓練課程滿意度與組織承諾之關係研究──以國籍航空為例 A Study on the relationships among Cabin Crews’Work Value, Training Course Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: The Case of the Taiwanese Airline
- 原住民族觀光作為原住民族知識教育場域之可能:鄒族兩個部落之經驗 The Potential of Indigenous Tourism as a Field for Indigenous Knowledge Education: Experiences from Two Tsou Communities